Use code “ALUMNI20” to get a 20% discount
Congratulations, Graduates!

Order Regalia Online
If you can't attend Grad Fair, you may place your order online. Graduates may also rent a cap and gown for $50.
All regalia orders placed after the deadline will incur a $50 late fee.
Choose the appropriate button for Bachelor's & Master's Graduates (Regalia) or Doctoral Graduate (Doctoral Regalia).

Class Rings & Diploma Frames
Order your class ring, diploma frame, or graduation announcements.

Shipping & Pickup
Pickup Orders: Graduates may pick up their cap and gown from the University Store (M.D. Anderson Student Center) during our normal business hours.
Shipping Options: Not local and need your items shipped? Contact the HCU Bookstore 281-649-3258! We will ship your items 2-day shipping for $25.